
Weekly Visual Clues Inspire Short Vignettes

Weekly Visual Clues Inspire Short Vignettes

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Blue Plate

"Do you think it's something?"
"Look at the back."
Jessie turned the plate over. No markings. "I still think it's something."
"Well, it's a plate, for sure..."
She squints at the plate. "I should get one of those things... a little thing you look through."
"A jeweler's loop?"
She puts the plate down. "Is that what they call it? How come you name everything?"
I shrug. "Because things have names."
She picks the plate up again, and picks at the orange Goodwill price sticker. "Why do they have to put these on with glue that is like cement?"
"How come you ask so many questions?"
"Because everything is a question."
Laughing, we move on down the aisle.

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